Librarian Avengers

Look it up.

Jun 25, 2003

Oh that wacky American Library Association convention. Imagine, if you will, 50 billion librarians wandering around downtown Toronto. Yes, it looked like that.

I did a bit of shopping on Sunday afternoon, and had the honor of being informed by a salesgirl that a librarian had appeared on TLC's A Makeover Story and had been brought to that very store. "See" she implied, "it's not too late for you!"

On a similar "weird public image of librarianship" line, I had more trouble with the ALA vendors than usual. Since I'm no longer a student, I had to contend with eager sales representatives trying to sell me their wares. I found myself regularly explaining that SOME librarians don't actually work with books, deal with the public, or care much about the latest installment in the Harry Potter series. Once I made the mistake of mentioning the words "digital preservation research" and was treated to a sales pitch for a music journal.

I did get a chance to see a copy of Revolting Librarians Redux this weekend, and I would like to encourage everyone to buy the heck out of it. Among other things, the book contains a poem that I hadn't read since I submitted it. I was pleased to see that it didn't suck quite as badly as I had feared.

News Flash: A woman just walked by my window practicing sign language to herself. People often walk by my office and don't realize they are being observed. Unfortunately, this works both ways, and I've often been caught chewing my fingernails by a casual passerby.


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